The soldiers they are attacking are primarily pilots of helicopters, they have very basic combat training with only a couple of soldiers for possible escort. As for the Monolith forces being being such a problem for the military: It is the Ukrainian military which is not known for being up to date or well equipped. It is possible but some members of the original project are alive, or further that their consciousness is now within the noosphere and uses the antennas to communicate.More intriguing is the fact that they manage to give the military a run for its money, organising the initial ambush at the hospital and later during the evacuation, whoever is giving them orders seems well versed in military strategy, or can see more than others. Monolith seem to be getting orders from somebody through their receivers, but their original masters are all dead.Except after the creation of the Zone, C-Consciousness switched over to trying to contain the Zone.The Zone is still active despite the fact that Strelok kills them all, in fact, it seems to become more unstable afterwards.

But in Call of Pripyat there are a few hints that C-Consciousness may not have been in total control as was previously thought, for example: Ok so the end of Shadow of Chernobyl tells us that C-Consciousness were the ones responsible for the anomalies and the 2nd incident, and that the alien interference is just a cover for this. Aliens may be responsible for the Zone after all